West Quoddy Head Light
Location: Lubec
Latitude: 44°48'54.4"N Longitude: 66°57'01.6"W
Latitude: 44°48'54.4"N Longitude: 66°57'01.6"W
Station Established: 1808
Present Tower Built: 1857
Automated: 1988
Structure Status: Standing
Tower Height: 49 Feet
Focal Plane: 83 Feet
Present Day Optic: Third-order Fresnel lens
USCG Unit Responsible for Aid to Navigation: ANT Southwest Harbor
Historic Structures Remaining: 
1858 keeper's house
1887 fog signal building
1892 oil house
Lighthouse Owner: State of Maine
Lighthouse Managed By:
West Quoddy Head Light Keepers Association
West Quoddy Head Light Keepers Association
973 S Lubec Rd, Lubec, ME 04652
West Quoddy Head Lighthouse - National Archives