Still Tending the Lights

(Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr.)
U.S. Coast Guard lighthouse technicians are not considered lighthouse keepers, though they keep a good light. They do not reside at a lighthouse yet they retrace the keeper’s every step. It is said that history closed the book on lighthouse keepers, though human hands are still needed today. And yes, history is still quietly being made by light and sound – and service.
(Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr.)
That said, time’s forward march is endless, and thus progression is demanded of each era. In a far off day to come, this progression may ultimately douse the lights. Only then will the brother/sisterhood of lighthouse keepers and lighthouse technicians finally hold hands together in the annals of history.
Then and now, these amazing teams have shared the same passion and dedication for keeping the lights shining. They have sent out a string of unbroken gleams across the darkened deep for hundreds of years. When all is said and done, history will reveal in its fullest that the mariner and all those who traversed the sea during these many changing epochs were forever indebted to this noble work regardless of its method. For it will always be about sending out the light!